We will be receiving our first shipment of Captain Downriggin's Custom Spoons today. This shipment will be size 4 and will be available in six colors.
Acid Bath: A 50/50 combination of glow in the dark and chartreuse on the front with a green spatter finish with clear sparkle, the back side is the popular UV White Lightning finish.
Wicked Herring: A 50/50 combination of glow in the dark and green on the front with a blue spatter finish with clear sparkle, the back side is the popular UV White Lightning finish.
Kitchen Sink: A 50/50 combination of glow in the dark and green on the front, a black accent stripe on the green edge with a silver fish scale overlay; the back side is the popular UV White Lightning finish.
Red Racer: A 50/50 combination of glow in the dark with green on the front, a flame accent stripe on the green edge with a silver fish scale overlay; the back side is the popular UV White Lightning finish.
Jailbait: A 50/50 combination of glow in the dark and black with a silver fish scale overlay and the back side is the popular UV White Lightning finish.
Wired White Lightning: The popular UV White Lightning on the front with a silver fish scale overlay and the back side is glow in the dark.
All spoons will come packaged with an unatached 3/0 Matzuo Sickle Siwash Hook, allowing the angler to attach the hook himself or to use another siwash hook of his choice.
For the present time the size 4's are all that is available but will have both 3's and 5's in the near future.
These are an extremely well built spoon, out of high quality brass with nothing but the finest of finishes and welded rings. They have proven themselves in the past to be good producers.