We have our second razor calm dig of the season coming up this weekend. Here it is as follows:
Nov.5, Fri. - 6:41 p.m., (-1.4ft.), Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks & Kalaloch
Nov. 6, Sat. - 7.26 p.m., (-1.6ft.), Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks & Kalaloch
Nov. 7, Sun. - 7.11 p.m., (-1.5ft.), Twin Harbors
Nov. 8, Mon. - 7.55 p.m., (-1.2ft.), Twin Harbors
Good Digging!
We have a "Great" supply of clam digging gear in stock! Clam Tubes, shovels, clam nets and licences!