Friday, November 2, 2012

Squid Fishing - Edmonds / Seattle

We have been hearing nothing but good reports coming from the squid fishing scene off the Edmond's Fishing Pier as well as the piers in Seattle.  Most everyone we have spoke with has had good results this season.  Some evenings are considerably better than others with some being quite good from the start while others you just might have to work diligently just to get a few.  But unfortunately there is no rhyme nor reason to any fishery other than put in your time and you will eventually be rewarded.  Overall, I would have to say this is the best squid fishing that we have seen in a number of years.

This year there has been a trend for most to fish two jigs with a slightly larger weighted one on the bottom of your line and about 18 inches above a smaller non-weighted version is tied.  Another trend has been scenting the squid jigs with shrimp scent.  The Pro-Cure paste or Smelly Jelly Sticky Liquid have been the favorites.  This is the first year that I have heard of guys doing such.  I've asked a number of fishermen if they think their productivity is increased by scenting and everyone has said that it does.  I suppose that I will have to give it a try in the near future.