Monday, November 26, 2012

Edmonds Pier - Squidding

If you are wanting to do a little squidding this season you just might want to give the Edmond's fishing pier a try.  We have seen a much better season this winter than we have seen in years.  We should see it continue until around the middle of January when the squid go into the spawn and then die afterwards.  When squidding don't get disappointed if you go down and spend an hour or two without getting anything as it is a waiting game.  You just have to put in the time and you will be rewarded for doing such.

Generally if you fish the last couple of hours of an incoming tide through the high slack and darker nights with either a heavy cloud cover or no moon tends to be the best.  Likewise if you have slower tide movements you will also do better.

If you don't like the crowds of the early evening then get up at 2 or 3 in the AM and go down and give it a try.  You will find that there is plenty of room for you.

If you have any questions just stop by and we'll be happy to give you a hand.  We have lots of squid jigs on hand.