Friday, November 2, 2012

Snohomish / Skykomish Silvers & Chums

With the rivers dropping and clearing after the high water event of last weekend and the first part of the week we have see some fairly good fishing for Silvers and Chums on both the Snohomish and Skykomish today.  The plunkers down on Douglas Bar did quite well today.  We also heard good reports coming from both the bank and boat fishermen fishing the Skykomish.  The river from the confluence to the Wallace flats section produced well.  Even though we are seeing a little rain coming back into the picture this evening I am sure it is not enough to put the river back out of shape.  We should see some good fishing this weekend for those that want to get out.

For the bank fishermen, give the Tualco, Lewis Street, Al Borland Park, Sultan or mouth of the Wallace River a shot.  A float and jig combo tipped with a piece of sand shrimp or prawn a try.  For jigs give a 3/8 or 1/2 ounce twitching style a try in purple/black, purple/cerise, cerise or chartreuse colors a try.

If you have never fished Chums you are in for a tussle, as pound for pound they are as strong as any salmon.  They are very good sized with the average fish being 11 -13 pounds and we have seen some pushing the 25 pound mark this season.

Stop by and we'll be happy to help you out on getting geared up.