What’s hot is trolling for Lake Trout by the Yacht Club. Also heating up is fishing for triploid rainbows up by the net pens on Rufus Woods Reservoir. This is also a great time to throw dry flies at wild fish in the Upper Stehekin Valley. Additionally, this is a great time to catch planter rainbows in the Lower Basin of Lake Chelan.
On Lake Chelan, continue to fish Worden Lures T4 Purple Glow Flatfish off the outriggers. Off the downriggers present Silver Hordes Ace Hi Flies fronted by a Mack’s Lures glow smile blade baited with a chunk of Northern Pikeminnow. Smear the blades, and hard lure bodies with Pautzke’s Krill Juice. You don’t want those fish shying away from your lures. Fish these at 1.2 to 1.5 mph. Watch out for a difficult bottom in the Narrows.
At Rufus, troll flies behind a Mack’s Lures Smile Blade or an action disk by Wigglefin.com or even Pautzke’s Fire Bait with a blade in front. Also, you can cast quarter ounce Worden’s Super Roostertails for 2 to 5 pound triploids around the lower pump stations. Finally, if it is slow, fish bait up by the lower net pens.
This is prime time for casting stimulators and hoppers to wild rainbows and cutthroat in the Upper Stehekin Valley. At the same time, you can enjoy the greatest scenery in the world!
It is also a great time to cast small Roostertails for little rainbows in the lower basin of Lake Chelan.
Your fishing tip of the week is to make the effort to get out there. Because of shorter days, it is easy to give up on trips, but this is the most spectacular time of the year to be out in Central Washington. Perfect temperatures, eager fish and no crowds!
Your kid’s tip of the week is to tailor your young children’s activities to their interest. I’ve got grandkids all over the spectrum. Some like to catch fish. Some like to hook the fish and hand it off. Others just like to play in the guts when everybody else catches the fish… I didn’t say they were normal…
Your safety tip of the week is kind of a maintenance tip. Check with your mechanic, but most are recommending that you treat your boat gas with at least a water remover. Especially now when boats are likely to set idle for longer periods of time, it is a good idea. The lower performance that comes with the ethanol added to most gasolines has been responsible for some mechanical issues. It is an especially good idea if you are putting your boat away for the winter. Nothing quite like fall in Chelan!
Anton Jones of Darrell & Dad's Family Guide Service
(http://www.darrellanddads.com/ or 1-866-360-1523)
Bill and Sandy Hays of Yakima, Wa with their Lake Chelan Mackinaw.
On Lake Chelan, continue to fish Worden Lures T4 Purple Glow Flatfish off the outriggers. Off the downriggers present Silver Hordes Ace Hi Flies fronted by a Mack’s Lures glow smile blade baited with a chunk of Northern Pikeminnow. Smear the blades, and hard lure bodies with Pautzke’s Krill Juice. You don’t want those fish shying away from your lures. Fish these at 1.2 to 1.5 mph. Watch out for a difficult bottom in the Narrows.
At Rufus, troll flies behind a Mack’s Lures Smile Blade or an action disk by Wigglefin.com or even Pautzke’s Fire Bait with a blade in front. Also, you can cast quarter ounce Worden’s Super Roostertails for 2 to 5 pound triploids around the lower pump stations. Finally, if it is slow, fish bait up by the lower net pens.
This is prime time for casting stimulators and hoppers to wild rainbows and cutthroat in the Upper Stehekin Valley. At the same time, you can enjoy the greatest scenery in the world!
It is also a great time to cast small Roostertails for little rainbows in the lower basin of Lake Chelan.
Your fishing tip of the week is to make the effort to get out there. Because of shorter days, it is easy to give up on trips, but this is the most spectacular time of the year to be out in Central Washington. Perfect temperatures, eager fish and no crowds!
Your kid’s tip of the week is to tailor your young children’s activities to their interest. I’ve got grandkids all over the spectrum. Some like to catch fish. Some like to hook the fish and hand it off. Others just like to play in the guts when everybody else catches the fish… I didn’t say they were normal…
Your safety tip of the week is kind of a maintenance tip. Check with your mechanic, but most are recommending that you treat your boat gas with at least a water remover. Especially now when boats are likely to set idle for longer periods of time, it is a good idea. The lower performance that comes with the ethanol added to most gasolines has been responsible for some mechanical issues. It is an especially good idea if you are putting your boat away for the winter. Nothing quite like fall in Chelan!
Anton Jones of Darrell & Dad's Family Guide Service
(http://www.darrellanddads.com/ or 1-866-360-1523)
Bill and Sandy Hays of Yakima, Wa with their Lake Chelan Mackinaw.