What rebounded as hot is trolling on Lake Chelan’s Mack Bar for Lake Trout early in the morning. Later in the day pound little fish on the face of Manson Bay. The Bar was in a lull during part of the reporting period, but it rebounded nicely on Labor Day. Later in the week we pounded out good numbers of little Lakers along the face of Manson Bay.
On Lake Chelan, fish Worden Lures T4 Purple Glow Flatfish off the outriggers. Off the downriggers present Silver Hordes Ace Hi Flies fronted by a Mack’s Lures glow smile blade baited with a chunk of Northern Pikeminnow. Fish these at 1.2 to 1.5 mph and work depths all the way out to the 200 foot marker.
On the face of Manson Bay hit depths of 170 to 215 feet with Worden’s little F7 flatfish fronted with a little action disk by WiggleFin.com or a Mack’s Lures mini cha cha squidder in a glow color. You should be able to produce 5 fish an hour from 12 to 20 inches each.
Your fishing tip of the week is to pay attention to depth and speed control to be consistently successful on Chelan. I had a number of recreational angler’s remark that they thought they were doing exactly what I was doing and not getting bit while I was knocking them dead. Invariably, they were foggy on how far off the bottom they were as well as being pretty hazy about the speed they were going. Also, the Smile Blade or Action disk in front of the Ace Hi’s and squid rigs was omitted. These fish find their food by vibration at the depths we fish. Subtle attractors are the order of the day.
Your kid’s tip of the week is to chronicle your kids successes in the outdoors. My wife and adult daughters are scrap bookers. We have pictures of everything. The kids are steeped in the family traditions from stories told by the men and pictures organized by the women. If our job is to provide roots and wings for our kids, this stuff is growing the roots. It helps them be more secure and confident. Telling the story of getting or losing that big fish in front of other family members is almost as valuable as doing things together. Don’t omit it.
Your safety tip of the week is go through your lifejackets, fire extinguisher and first aid kid to make sure they are in good repair before you go into the fall shutdown. It will save you headaches in the spring.
Anton Jones of Darrell & Dad's Family Guide Service
(http://www.darrellanddads.com/ or 1-866-360-1523)
Pictured: 8/29/11 - The MacPherson gang from Western Washington with their Lake Chelan Mackinaw
Also Pictured: 9/5/11 - Pete Fochesato with son Conner of Arlington, WA with their mornings catch of Chelan Lakers.