Though many are still chasing pinks in the saltwater the numbers of silver that we are seeing is fantastic. Many of our regulars hung up the pink gear a week ago and have switched to fishing coho. Many have been consistantly catching them and in fact getting limits a fair amount of the time. This is an outstanding sign to see the numbers of coho that we have been seeing the past couple of weeks. The nice thing about the early returning coho is that they are still actively feeding and are good biters. As the season progresses the fish become less apt to bite as they have the river more on their mind than their belly. We should see the coho fishing getting better with every passing day. There have been some really nice sized coho landed the past couple of days as you can see by the one Brock is holding in the photo above. Many of these ealy returing fish have been very surface oriented and many are being caught by utilizing a basic mooching sinker and plug cut herring fished in the prop wash.