What’s hot is fishing with bait for triploids near the net pens. Also hot for the stout of heart is trolling on Lake Chelan for incredible numbers of eating size lakers near the Monument.
At Rufus, troll Mack’s Lures smile blade flies or Worden Lures Roostertails. Also deadly, is trolling Mack’s Double Whammy wedding rings baited with a crawler. If you can’t catch fish trolling run up to the lower net pens and fish slip sinker rigs with bait. Pautzke’s Fire Bait in rainbow would work great. If there is current working, place a Mack’s Lures smile blade in front of the hook to help attract those pigs. You can also, cast quarter ounce Worden’s Super Roostertails if you have licenses for enough rods to allow it.
On Lake Chelan troll F7 flatfish with either a Mack’s Lures smile blade or an action disk by Wiggle Fin in front of it between the Monument and Sunnybank. Smear those with Pautzke’s Krill Juice to cover unpalatable scents. That area is packed with loads of smaller fish that have bright red flesh. It is very snaggy, so you have to be on pins and needles to troll close without losing gear.
Your fishing tip of the week is to keep a couple of things in mind to be successful with bait at the lower pens. First, use enough weight to get you to the bottom in whatever the current is. It varies a lot depending on the day and even time of day. Second, lengthen your leader to about 5 feet to keep those floating baits above the weedtips. Third, reel in and cast again if you don’t get bit. Finally, try placing a smile blade either above the sinker or just in front of the hook to add additional attraction. Keep these tips in mind and you will be able to consistently catch those fat boys with bait at the pens.
Your kid’s tip of the week is to pick your battles. When you don’t have time to use your maturity to deal with a minor misbehavior, don’t make the mistake of taking it on then backing off. Ignoring, or identifying the misconduct and acknowledging that it’s wrong is OK. When you have the time then you can “go to the mat” and deal with it in detail.
Your safety tip of the week is to check your boat trailer tires for unusual wear. If you have extraordinary wear on one part of one tire it can indicate improper inflation, the need for your bearings to be repacked, or even that you have a bent axle.
Anton Jones of Darrell & Dad's Family Guide Service
www.darrellanddads.com or 1-866-360-1523
9/22/11 - Sandra Jones of Manson, the CFO of Darrell & Dad's Family Guide Service with a nice Rufus Triploid.
9/22/11 - Sandy again with our two person limit of typical Rufus triploids
9/22/11 - The Ken and Carol Kinman of San Ramon, CA with their mornings catch of Lake Chelan Mackinaw