What’s hot is trolling on Lake Chelan’s South Shore for Mackinaw. The Bar is finally slowing down a bit, but it is great early in the morning. With all our work on Chelan, I haven’t heard much from the Columbia during the reporting period. For those in the Chelan Valley looking for simple shore action, try Roses Lake for panfish. On Lake Chelan fish the “Bar” early in the morning, then fade over to the South Shore and work all the way from Sunnybank past the point at Minneapolis Beach all the way to the Pleasant Beach Condos. Worden Lures T4 Purple Glow Flatfish fished at 1.3 to 1.7 has produced our big fish almost every day. For numbers present a combination of Silver Hordes Ace Hi Flies and Mack’s Lures mini Cha Cha Squidders baited with a chunk of Northern Pikeminnow affixed to the front hook of a tandem hook array. Fish these combos at 1.2 to 1.4 miles per hour. The fish continue to be concentrated in water from 135 to 155 feet deep. For people with little kids that want to simplify things and fish from shore, continue to work little Roses Lake fishing under a bobber with worms or throwing a little Worden’s Roostertail for a variety of panfish. Your fishing tip of the week is to reduce line twist to make your hootchie style presentations more effective. As mentioned above, we are fishing a lot of Silver Horde Ace Hi Flies and Mack’s Lures mini Cha Cha Squidders. We put a big Mack’s Lures smile blade in front of these to provide attraction. They can also provide a lot of line twist. Your solutions to this problem consist of swivels and beads. Place a couple of 4mm beads between the Smile Blade and the nose of the lure. Add a swivel or two in front of the blade to help with the twist. Your kid’s tip of the week is to enjoy that time. It goes by quickly. After having some friends die young over the last year, it really has brought it home to me. I can remember helping my eldest grandson reel in his first laker here. I remember his joy in seeing that fish and his reticence to touch it. This summer, as an 18 year old high school graduate, he deckhanded for me. It has been a rare blessing to have my grandson develop under my eyes from a beginning toddler to a young man with professional skills. If you are fortunate enough to get that time with your kids and grandkids, enjoy it. Your safety tip of the week is to watch that floating debris in the evening flat light and wind. That waterlogged stuff can be hard to spot.
Anton Jones of Darrell & Dad's Family Guide Service (http://www.darrellanddads.com/) or (1-866-360-1523)
Pictured: 8/18/11 - Mark Wagner of Chelan and sons with their mornings catch of Lake Chelan Mackinaw
Also Pictured: 8/20/11 - Fishing buddies Greg LePage and Larry West of Seattle with their mornings catch of Lake Chelan Mackinaw.