The humpies have arrived in "Good" numbers off Possession and Satchet Head this week. Though for the most part most of my customers have been targeting the kings rather than the pinks. Even though focusing their attention on Chinook they are still getting good numbers of incidental pinks on their flasher/squid or flasher/spoon gear. The Mukilteo (Humpy Hollow) area as well as off of Edmonds have all been showing good numbers of Humpies this past week. We are just seeing the first big push of these popular fish and we should just see increasing numbers in the next few weeks. If you are specifically wanting to target them fish a size 0 or 1 dodger in white or pearl white finishes or a small 8 in plastic flasher such as a Hot Spot or Coyote in white, white pearl scalite or white glow colors and trail a small mini hot pink squid behind the dodger or flasher. On the Dodgers the leader length should be around 1 1/2 times the length of the dodger and 2 times the length of the flasher. Fish slowly, (around 1.2 mph) just fast enough to get the dodger/flasher to slide slip side to side. Fish the upper 35 feet of water first thing in the AM and proceed deeper as the day goes on. Though some days the fish will stay close to the surface. We should see good numbers of pinks in the saltwater though the first part of September.