Friday, July 3, 2009

Edmonds Pier - Chinook Salmon

The Edmonds Pier is getting a little more productive virtually every week. We have had a number of our customers catch some decent fish over the past week. The largest that we have heard of are fish weighing 22 and 23 pounds. Nice sized fish for off the pier! As far as lures go, the typical mix of lead minnows are all producing. This week the Mega - Bait jigs in the 1 1/2oz - 2 1/2 ounce range seems to be the favorites. Though, unfortunately this popular jig is once again going away as the company is closing up shop. We do have a very small supply left and what we have is going quite quickly. The other jig of choice seems to be the Gibbs minnow. Jig colors seem to trend toward white, black/silver or black/white. Don't fret if you don't have these specific jigs as Point Wilson Darts, Pucci Lazer Minnows or Crippled Herring will all produce. I will have to agree that the white, black/silver and black/white combos are all "Fantastic" colors, but don't have any hesitation in fishing green/silver, green/white or green/pearl colors as these all produce well also.

Fishing should only continue to get better as July progresses, with the peak of the run around the 4th or 5th of August.