Though many are putting up their gear for the fall and winter there is still lots to fish for this month. There are some outstanding opportunities for some great king salmon fishing in the Grays Harbor and Olympic Peninsula areas, both in the salt as well as the rivers. You can see by the photo of Kris Olsen with a couple of really nice fall king salmon taken last weekend on one of the OP streams. Not only can you fish them there but you have a "Great" fishing opportunity in the Hanford Reach section of the Columbia. I spoke with a customer this AM that was there yesterday an had a banner day with 7 kings brought to the boat. Though these may not be as prime as the coastal fish they still pull really hard. We have not seen a stellar coho season here in our area of Puget Sound but there will still be good numbers of coho coming though the area for the next month. If you happen to be in the right spot and they are willing to take your offering you might just be rewarded by some really nice silvers. The north Sound Rivers of the Skagit, Stillagumish and Snohomish systems will all be putting out coho through the month. Trout fishing in the local lakes will be good for those that are willing to put in a little bit of time. With the cooler weather they will be going on the fall feed to put on some extra weight for the winter. Lake Goodwin and Lake Washington will be good choices not only this month but through the winter. Fly fishermen will find Pass Lake a good choice for both browns and rainbows up to 25 inches and Lone Lake on Whidbey Island will be a good choice for rainbows. Don't forget there are a few opportunities for digging some tasty razor clams on our coastal beaches.
This is just a few things that you might pencil in on your fishing calender for October.