Anton Jones of Darrell & Dad's Family Guide Service sent me these recent photos of some really nice lake trout catches from Lake Chelan. Pictured are Gayle and Lois Dobish of Bellevue with a nice mornings catch of lakers and a "Bonus" Chinook thrown in for good measure. These were caught on October 19. The other photo is of Joe Jansen of Walla Walla and Larry Busse of Spokane with another nice stringer of lakes with the largest weighing out at 15lbs 2ozs. This nice mess of fish were caught on October 21.
Anton mentioned that Silver Horde Gold Star King Fisher Light spoons in uv and glow colors have been very productive as well as Rushin' Salmon Wobblers in purple glow. Yakima Baits Flatfish in sizes F-7 to T-4 also in purple glow colors.
Anton has a "Great" special for the winter season when a group of three or more come over and fish on either Chelan, Rufus Woods or the Upper Columbia for $150.00 / person plus tax. He also has some other great packages. Stop by and we'll give you a had out.
Give him a call at 1-866-360-1523 or (509) 961-5342 or email Antonj@aol.com .