One of the customers stopped by this morning returning from a trip to Port Alberni Inlet on Vancouver Island B.C. to give us a sockeye fishing report. The fishing was so good that the Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans had increased the limit from two to four. Bill said that the fishing was so good that you could easily limit the boat in a couple of hours of fishing. He fished out of the China Creek area of the inlet.
The set up that he had the best success with was a small Gold Star mini sardine squid body in a F-15,FG193 or F224R. These are all all pink, pink glow or UV pink in color. Rig them with a single 2/0 or 3/0 black siwash hook crimped to a swivel. Tie this to a section of leader in 25 - 40 pound test, slide down a bead and them the squid onto the leader. The squid is then fished behind an 11 inch Hot Spot Flasher with a leader length of 20 - 24 inches. The length will vary a tad due to the speed you fish and the stiffness of the leader. It is best to vary this distance until you find what is most successful for you.
Troll slowly, 1.2 -1.6 mph and depth will vary, watch your sounder and adjust your depth to when the fish are showing.
Bill mentioned that there were lots of fish still coming through the inlet and good fishing should continue for quite some time.