Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sockeye Opens - Skagit & Baker River - July 16th

There will be a three day opener for sockeye on a portion of the Skagit and Baker Rivers on the 16th, 17th and 18th of July. The Baker will be open from the mouth to the Highway 20 Bridge. The Skagit will be open from the Dalles Bridge to point 200 feet upstream from the mouth of the Baker River. Daily limit will be two sockeye. Anti-snagging and night closures are in effect. Additional openings are under consideration, including Baker Lake. Additional openings will be announced after coordination with tribal co-managers.

Two of the most popular techniques are plunking with 3 - 4 oz sinker, 3 way swivel setup followed by a 24 - 30 inch leader with a size 8 - 4 spin n glow (pink or pinkish colors) with the hook baited with sand shrimp.

Float and jig (pink of pinkish colors) with a piece of sand shrimp floated 12 - 18 inches off the bottom.

This is a very popular local fishery, don't think that you will be by yourself!