Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Reiter Ponds - Skykomish

Didn't hear of any fantastic reports coming out of Reiter Ponds the past few days. John was up for a few hours on Tuesday and said the chum that he landed was the only fish he say caught during the time he was there. Denny called this AM and said that he caught a small winter run on the highway side and did not see any other fish landed. With the water being up the way it was last week I thought that we should be seeing greater numbers than we have been seeing by this time. I suppose that we will see what time brings.

The lower and middle Skykomish has seen a fair number of chum salmon. The boaters that I have spoke with have been averaging 6 - 8 fish on a day if fishing for the brighter fish in the traveling lanes, those that have been fishing the spawning areas are getting better numbers of fish with most of them being very colored.