The WDFW has scheduled another razor clam dig for this next week as follows:
Wednesday, Dec. 2 (6:32 p.m. -1.2 ft.) Long Beach, Twin Harbors
Thursday, Dec. 3 (7:18p.m. -1.4 ft.) Twin harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks
Friday, Dec. 4 (8:04 p.m. -1.3 ft.) Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks, Kalaloch
Saturday, Dec. 5 (8:51 p.m. -0.9 ft.) Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks, Kalaloch
Should be "Lots" of good digging, as the last set of tides were not harvested very hard due to the weather.
We have a "Great" supply of clam digging gear!