Saturday, February 11, 2012

Lake Samamish

Lake Samamish has been putting out some outstanding cutthroat fishing with the fish running between 13 - 20 inches. Most of the guys have been finding them from the surface down to around 15 feet. Many anglers have been fishing lead core line with needlefish spoons or gang trolls with wedding ring spinners baited with worms / night crawlers. Offereings fished off your downriggers also have produced well. Just make sure to fish well behind your releases when fishing so shallow. This is reel class fishery, don't keep any more that what you really need as to maintain the quality of this fishery. There are a good number of some really nice Kokanne being caught incidental to the cutts, however these fish can not be retained. Make sure that you can tell the difference! You don't want to risk a citation! Also, these are a really frail fish so the minimum amount of handing is a necessity as not to have high hooking mortality factors. It would be nice to get these fish reestablished to a point we just might have a retention fishery somewhere in the future.