Saturday, December 15, 2012
Upper Skagit
We have been hearing of some steelhead being caught in the Marblemount to Rockport streatch of the Skagit recently. Undoubtedly these fish are headed for the Cascade. This area is mostly a boat fishing show with a limited amount of bank access. When you do find fish in hole make sure to continue to fish it very throughly as there are generally more fish in the same spot. In addition to the steelhead there are a good number of Dolly Varden (Bull Trout) in this section of the river that can be caught. For these focus your attention to the slower sections of the river and back eddy waters as this is where they will be found. Most of the Dollies are in the 14 -18 inch range with an odd fish hitting upwards of 8 pounds. If you find a pod of late spawning Chum salmon you will find the dollies amongst them and below foraging upon the loose eggs that are lost during the spawning process.