Here's some nice fish that Matt and his fishing buddies caught yesterday on one of the Grays Harbor streams. This is an area that produces "Great" fishing at this time of year. Their hatchery fish return a little latter than our Puget Sound fish. This is prime time for those streams. Matt was free drifting cheaters and eggs for his success. He was sold on the "New" Pautzkes Fire Cure in Orange to cure the eggs he used for this successful day!
Sitka King Salmon

56# Sitka King Salmon
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About Ted's
- Lynnwood, WA, United States
- Ted's Sports Center has built a reputation for supplying quality fishing tackle to the Northwest fisherman for the last 40+ years. Our specialty is Saltwater Salmon fishing. Years of fishing Alaska, BC, and Washington gives us the ability to show you what to use and where to use it.