Monday, December 19, 2011

Lake Goodwin - Trout Fishing

Winter trout fishing can be quite good for those that are willing to brave the elements and get out! If you are looking for some good fishing at the present time you might give Lake Goodwin a try. We have a number of customers whom have been fishing it on a fairly regular basis and have been doing quite well on rainbows that are going from 13 -17 inches with an odd large fish up to 6 pounds. Those are exceptional, but fish in the 20 inch range are not that uncommon. Many are trolling flies such as Wooley Buggers in black, olive, black & olive or maroon colors have been doing well. Those fishing hardware such as gang trolls with a wedding ring/crawler combination have been doing well also. Needlefish spoons in cop car (black/white) have also been producing.