What’s still hot is bait fishing for Triploid Rainbows on Rufus Woods. On Lake Chelan bigger fish are becoming more available as they transition out of the spawn. There continues to be more triploids than steelhead caught on the Columbia River below Chief Joe dam.
This is getting to be prime time for catching Triploid Rainbow Trout on Rufus. As the water temperature descends through the fifties, the bite should only get better. You can run to the pens and slip sinker Pautzke’s Fire Bait or find places from Brandt’s landing and down where you are seeing plenty of activity on the surface and work those fish. If there is plenty of current when you are fishing bait with a slip sinker try adding a Mack’s Lures Smile Blade in front of your bait as an added attractor. Try casting a quarter ounce Worden Lures Black Roostertail or, if you are fly angler, a Mack’s Lures “Smile Blade Fly” to get those fish on artificials. A slower irregular retrieve worked best.
Lakers continue to bite on Lake Chelan. Work the trench or the Yacht Club for some bigger fish. As usual, your best bet is trolling Worden’s Flatfish or Silver Horde’s Ace-Hi Fly within 10 feet of the bottom for best success.
Your fishing tip of the week is to keep in mind that current flow and weed length should dictate your leader length when you are bait fishing at Rufus. The more current pushing your bait down and the higher the weed growth, the longer you need to make your leader to keep that bait where it will tempt a fish. Five or even six feet long is not out of the ordinary.
Your kid’s tip of the week is to make sure their winter clothes are comfortable for those cold winter outings. Winter wear that they have outgrown will make for an unhappy trip.
Your safety tip of the week is to get your chains, shovel and sand ready for winter boat launching at Rufus.
I want to add my Veteran’s Day rant for this report. I’ve heard a lot of “support the troops” sentiment, which is nice. I’d like to add a specific suggestion on how all of us citizens can do this. Come to grips with the complexity of this War on Terror and choose thoughtfully and well when you vote. Never, has the burden of war been borne by so few. Imagine that you or your child is being put in harm’s way when we choose to fight. However, do not imagine for a moment that the people that brought this war to our shores will be appeased. Ending our way of life and adopting theirs is the only thing that will satisfy them.
Anton Jones of Darrell & Dad's Family Guide Service
http://www.darrellanddads.com/ or 1-866-360-1523
Pictured: 11/13/11 - James Cato of Selah with a 9.2lb Rufus Triploid.
Pictured: 11/13/11 - James again with son Mike and guide Jeff Witkowski with their 4 guy limit of Rufus Rainbows. They had brought 38 to the boat by noon. What a great time for father and son to spend some time fishing!